Koh Samet oil spill cleanup begins

PTT Global Chemical Plc (PTTGC) has rushed to clean up the oil slick that washed up on Samet island in the eastern province of Rayong, tainting the beach at Phrao Bay with crude oil leak from a PTTGC transmission pipe.

Natural Resources and Environment Minister Vichet Kasemthongsri ordered the temporarily closure of Phrao Bay, one of the most popular beaches among Thai and foreign tourists, while the clean-up operation is in progress.

Anon Sirisaengtaksin, chief executive officer of PTT Global Chemical, expressed regret over the oil spill, assuring the public that the entire oil slick would be cleared within three days.

He also said PTTGC will take full responsibility for all those affected by the oil spill which he described as the company’s worst incident.

PTTGC has third party insurance for US$50 million, he said, adding that measures will be taken to prevent any recurrence of such an incident.

Porntep Butniphant, Executive Vice President for Refinery and Shared Facilities, said the company mobilised workers and asked for help from the army to send 400 soldiers to help urgently clean up the beach after the crude oil slick covered about one kilometre of beach.

Mr Porntep said initial investigation found that the oil slick slipped from the bottom of the booms that used for containing the oil spill so that the spill was washed up into the shore last night.

He said some 5,000 litres of crude oil floated into shore even though the company workers used two tiers of booms to contain the slick. 

The PTTGC executive said company staff used the booms to contain crude oil at the mouth of Phrao Bay to limit the affected area and used skimmers to transfer the oil into holding tanks.

As for the oil slick at the beach, he said, workmen used shovels to remove oil soaked sand.

Mr Porntep said PTTGC would eventually rehabilitate the beach to prevent any damage to the eco-system. 

Sand and sea water samples will be collected for further examination.

The oil slick developed Saturday morning when approximately 50 tonnes (50,000 litres) of crude oil leaked from a pipeline, spilling into the sea off Rayong, some 20 kilometres southeast of the Map Ta Phut industrial estate.

The clean up operation at the leak point is already complete and PTTGC has assured the public that there would be no further damage to the environment.

Story and photo: MCOT

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