Mahouts threaten 50-elephant stampede of Government House

Elephant mob in Ayutthaya province

Chang, chang, chang, chang, chang, have you ever seen an elephant? Most would probably reply “yes” to this classic Thai children’s song, but 50 of them sieging the prime minister’s offices in the Dusit district of the capital? That’s would be new.

Mahouts in Surin and Ayutthaya provinces are threatening to surround the Government House with 50 elephants if they go ahead with a law from the Ministry of Natural Resources that would empower authorities to confiscate unlicensed elephants.

 Currently, only newborn elephants unregistered after 90 days are subject to seizure, and then only until their owner files the appropriate paperwork.

However after updates to Thailand’s Wild Animal Reservation and Protection Act go through, ownership of any unlicensed elephants will automatically transfer to the Department of National Park Wildlife and Plant Conservation. This would mean any mahout with any unlicensed elephants out there will lose custody of the animals as soon as the new legislation becomes effective.

 Laitongrian Meepan, the president of an association which lobbies for the interests of elephant handlers, started a protest against the legislation with five elephants in Ayutthaya province last month.

Last night Surin mahouts hit the road with 20 elephants, heading to Laithongrian’s Prakosjaban Foundation in Ayprovince in order to prepare for the parade to Bangkok if the government implements the law.

 The mahouts said the legislation is offensive to their community and violates their human rights, as the government is claiming it can provide a better care for their elephants. Also, the community complains no outreach efforts were made to survey local mahouts as part of the legislative process, Neawna and PRD reported.

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