Helping our friends: Thais raise millions for Philippines

Thailand has raised more than THB83 million for typhoon victims in the Philippines.

A total of THB83,401,950 has been raised through private and public donation channels, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra announced last night, although people are encouraged to dig deeper as the Asian island neighbor is still reeling from the devastation.

The government will also donate THB6 million along with survival bags and send a team of physicians, doctors, interpreters and mechanics aboard a C-130 Hercules to provide aid.

Anyone wishing to make a donation can transfer money into account No. 067-0-09551-6 of the Krung Thai Bank, Daily News and NNT reported.

Photo: NNT


Reader Interactions


  1. Thank you so much madam President…..How I wish i could convey our thanks to you in you own languge…..Mabuhay ang Thailand….Salamat po sainyo…..

  2. Thank you so much to you Madam President and to your country, you have a gold of heart, one day the Philippines will do the same what you did to every Filipino affected areas.

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