Sober crusader warns beer ice-cream targets children

While the festive month of December seemed perfect for Chang to launch its new beer ice-cream, anti-alcohol crusaders have given it sober reflection and do not approve.

Teera Watcharapranee, manager of Thailand’s Stop Drink Network, wagged his finger in disapproval of the trendy beer ice-cream, which is available for a limited time at beer gardens during the holiday season.

“Beer ice-cream is considered an alcoholic product, according to the law,” Teera said. “The manufacturer will be found guilty if they sell the ice-cream for children under the drinking age. Products like this encourage nondrinkers like women and teens to have a taste of alcohol. The manufacturer is extremely irresponsible society to lure the nondrinkers to become regular alcohol consumers.”

Perhaps Teera hasn’t seen what’s in the cups of women at RCA, Safe House, in front of Central World, any nice restaurant, or basically anywhere.

Thailand’s Stop Drink Network serves from its scolding-cold tap a yearly campaign encouraging Thais to celebrate in sober mode.

As it does every year, Stop Drink will run their “Liquor Equals Curse” campaign, which encourages Thais to give the bottle a pass and find other gifts during the holidays.

And as they do every year, most people will ignore them.

Booze producers beware: Teera claims the organization will be monitoring the industry, making a list – and possibly checking it twice – to find out who’s naughty or nice. Introduce some lavish new beverages or host some fabulous drunken parties – you may get hit with a bellyful of frowns. Stop Drink will also encourage supermarkets to exclude alcohol from gift baskets, Khaosod reported.

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