Sakon Nakhon girl’s skin rots and falls off after taking diet pills

Wanting to lose some weight, a woman from Sakon Nakhon province took some local diet pills which caused her skin to basically die and fall off her body.

The patient, whose name was withheld, said her skin peeled off and she caught fever after taking “Powdered Konjac,” a popular diet supplement, for three weeks.

The capsules, which claimed to contain natural konjac root and satisfy appetites, caused a severe allergic reaction which resulted in her contracting a condition known as Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

The pills were bogus, it turned out. The packaging included a forged FDA registration number and the capsules were loaded with “sibutramine,” a type of dietary-amphetamine banned in Thailand and most other countries three years ago for its terrible side-effects.

The drug make patients lose appetite with a few little side effects: heart failure, stroke and death. Counterfeit diet pills continue to be found with the banned substance around the world.

The Sakon Nakhon woman is expected to recover from the skin condition, Channel 3 reported.

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