Dating site lets you tell’em what you want, what you really, really want

Most dating sites expect love-seekers to express themselves by completing a profile and writing a brief description. But does answering generic questions or clicking checkboxes adequately capture who they are?

Koo25up, a distinctly Thai dating site marketed toward working types, gives users a lot of choice to describe their specific love needs.

Well before Facebook stepped up to recognize a broader spectrum of sexual preference, Koo25up provides 15 different gender selection options.

Maybe labels aren’t cool, but it can’t hurt to having more choices to tell the world more precisely how you like to get your romance on.

Here are the choices:

Male, female, ladyboy, gay king, gay queen, gay both, bisexual, les(bian) king, les(bian) queen, tom(boy), dee, gaytom, adam, cherry and angie. If those are confusing, there’s one handy diagram to explain Thailand’s smorgasbord of sexuality. Not pictures are: “angies” (ladyboys who are into tomboys) and “gaytom” (toms who dig other toms.)

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