Petition to remove American ambassador unlikely to warrant response

As of today, 8,000 people have put their names to a petition to remove U.S. Ambassador to Thailand Kristie Kenney.

Unhappiness with comments from her and other American officials, who have condemned the military coup and called for immediate, free and fair elections in Thailand, prompted the creation of a petition on the White House’s popular online petition service.

“Her disconnect with the true political situation is obvious by her spread of misinformation and the resulting actions,” reads the petition.

It also takes a shot at her engagement of social media, faulting her “never-ending Twitter selfies.”

Created 10 days ago, the petition has 20 days to gain another 92,000 signatures to earn an official response from the White House.

Some users seem to believe the petition would lead to Kenney’s ouster – in fact it simply guarantees an official response should it achieve 100,000 signatures in 30 days.

The White House has occasionally responded to petitions with fewer signatures, such as its famous rejection of a demand to begin construction of an Imperial Death Star.

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