All overstayers to be expelled and denied re-entry, claims popular forum

All foreign nationals who overstay their visas will be expelled from the kingdom and blacklisted for at least one year, according to the editors of a popular forum for expats.

In a post on the Thai Visa Forum, a document purported to be a pending police order details strict new measures as part of a crackdown on foreign nationals in the kingdom.

“Today, has been given access to a new Police order proposal that is due to be signed and released imminently, detailing tough new measures for foreigners who overstay in Thailand,” reads the post.

According to the details posted, foreigners who surrender to authorities will receive lesser bans on travel to Thailand.

Those who’ve overstayed their visas more than 90 days will receive a one-year ban, while those with more than one, three or five years on their expired visas will be blacklisted for three, five and 10 years, respectively. Been laying low more than 10 years on an expired visa? Lifetime ban.

Those caught by authorities will receive a five-year ban for overstays less than one year, while anything longer will receive a 10-year ban.

As the post stresses, none of this is final nor has been announced, and the authenticity of the police order could not be substantiated.

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