‘You dead yet?’ reckless van driver asks upset passenger (VIDEO)

While most people sit silently and accept their fates aboard safety-challenged public transport, one woman stood up for endangered passengers everywhere in a video which went viral during the holiday weekend.

After reminding a van driver ferrying her and other souls from the Victory Monument to somewhere in Chonburi that he was responsible for their lives on Friday, a woman was stumped by the driver’s cunning rhetoric.

“Well, are you dead yet?” he asks in the video posted Saturday to YouTube by “Complain Van,” who obviously created the account for this specific reason.

He makes it clear he ran out of Fs for his passengers a long time ago. What if you’re some kind of safety official, and you sit right next to him while he’s driving? Nope, he won’t care.

This is pretty much how the conversation goes:

Passenger: Is it necessary to drive at 140 kilometers an hour?

Driver: You can’t enforce that. I have limited time. I guarantee I have skills.

Passenger: Why would you drive on the right lane and keep tailgating the car in the front? It’s dangerous. You’ve been like this the entire ride.

Driver: You can’t ask me that. Are you an official? One sat next to me, and I didn’t even care. I drive well. I own this car myself, and I love it more than my wife. This is how I always drive.

Passenger: What about the lives that ride along with you?

Driver: Well, are you dead yet?

Passenger: Not yet.

Despite the high rate of accidents often attributed to reckless drivers, vans remain a popular mean of transportation between regions due to their convenience and low price.

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