Locals deploy sandpeople porn to embarrass rain god

When all else fails; porn to the rescue.

Phetchabunites in Baan Na Trakut village erected a naughty threesome sculpture out of clay to entice the rain gods to drop their load on them.

The sculpture, erected at a public intersection, depicts “Miss Rain” getting it on with “Mr. Fog” while “Mr. Cloud” observes the scene and enjoys a cigarette according to photos taken yesterday.

“Miss Rain” Photos: Sornnarin Tantimala / PTV Online

Locals told reporters they are suffering from the worst drought in 20 years. Their 20,000 rai of rice plantations are dying, and they already tried the time-tested method of parading a cat around and splashing water on it, but there was no sign of rain, so they are now appealing to the rain god with a more prurient display.

The logic here is simple: The clay models are supposed to embarrass the rain god above, making him release some rain from the sky to wash away their shameful copulation.

The tradition has been passed down through the generations for more than 100 years, Thairath reported.

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