Bangkokians to be the first recipients of digital TV certificates

Thailand is making the switch from analog to digital TV and the first beneficiaries of this shift will be (somewhat predictably) Bangkok natives.

In a statement put out by the National News Bureau of Thailand, National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) Vice Chairman Col. Natee Sukolrat said that starting in October, the NBTC would begin distributing coupons for free digital TV boxes to Bangkok area families.

By 2017, 22 million households, or roughly 95% of the population, will have received coupons for digital TV adapters.

Broadcasters have plans to begin broadcasting digital signals in April of 2014. Auctions for digital cable news channels will take place in July and August of 2014, so if you have your heart set on opening a Thai news channel, circle those dates on your calendar.

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