Shocking poll results: Teens want sex on Valentine’s Day

What do teens want for Valentine’s Day? Sex.

Those were the shocking results of a survey released by the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce yesterday Feb. 7, The Bangkok Post reported.

Actually, the results were more specific than that – they found that 15.4 percent of teen lovers aged 16-18 were planning on losing their virginity on Valentine’s Day, while 12.5 percent of those age 19-22 were planning on doing so.

Roughly 16 percent of the 23-29 age group were ready to “take the plunge” on Valentine’s Day, but it’s unclear whether they meant for the first time… Surely, 16 percent of 23-29-year-olds couldn’t be planning on having sex for the first time next Tuesday?

Consider us confused.

Regarding those under 15 years old, about 71 percent said they had no plans to “share moments of tender intimacy”, 18.5 percent were undecided, and 7.4 percent said that they were planning on it.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was the politician that most teenagers wanted to “give a red nose to on Valentine’s Day”, followed by Abhisit Vejjajiva.

What does that even mean?? Is this some new scandalous sex act nickname we haven’t heard of yet?

In related news, The Department of Disease Control recently launched a Valentine’s Day safe-sex campaign for teenagers, which is awesomely named “Safe Love: Condoms Can Handle It.”

Bangkok police will also reportedly be patrolling entertainment venues to prevent youth sex on the day of love.

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