Look away, dog lovers! Volunteers fail to rescue half-eaten dog from python’s mouth (VIDEO)

A dog owner in Pathum Thani was in for a rude awakening when she found her dog Fino literally in the jaws of a large python yesterday morning.

Warning: For dog lovers everywhere, it would probably be a good idea to switch to this the story of a golden retriever reuniting with his owner instead.

The dog’s owner, Klomphan Khiewwan, said she came downstairs at 3am, and to her horror, saw that her dog was already half-eaten, head first, by a 6-meter long python, according to Kapook.

Klomphan, 21, quickly called for for help from the Ruamkatanyu Foundation, who came with equipment for snake catching.

She said that earlier in the night, she heard her dog making a loud noise while she was trying to sleep upstairs, but she did not check on her pet.

When volunteers arrived at the scene and made a move to get closer to the snake, the serpent started to spit out the half-eaten dog in order to make an escape, according to Sanook.

The python was eventually caught, but unfortunately, Fino was already dead.

The python has been released back into the wild, hopefully far away from any residential areas.


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